Interaction between objects
Since the software fully supports BIM technology and all precast unit objects in a project are managed in a building model, the software can also carry out general functions that are applied to all precast units.
Here are a few examples where different precast units have an impact on each other:
- If a ceiling sits on a wall with an upturn, this upturn is cut off in the area of the ceiling.
- The staircase automatically generates the suitable connection bracket in the landing panel.
- Empty electrical conduits in the wall that lead to the head of the wall generate a cut-out in the ceiling panel above at the touch of a button.
- A chimney automatically generates a cut-out in the ceiling in the correct position on all floors of the building.
- …
Moreover, clashes between structural components are automatically detected and resolved accordingly. Here are two examples of this:
- If a main beam is entered subsequently as a ceiling support, the program automatically detects a potential clash and generates a corresponding cut-out in the wall.
- If a steel girder is positioned on a wall which, depending on its profile, protrudes into the next floor, a corresponding cut-out will also be generated there (across all floors) at the base of the wall.
All these functions and checks actively ensure that planning errors are avoided and planning quality improved.